Giving back and Environmental Awareness
United City Yachts Inc. has implemented self-funded initiatives and made contributions to a number of causes. We believe in giving back to the boating community and community as a whole.
Supported to date:
United City Yachts Jr. Dockwise Lifejacket Loaner Program (See details below)
United City Yachts Oil Sorb Mats giveaway (See details below)
Home - Wounded Warriors Canada
Ride to Conquer CancerAlmost home -Helping families of sick children
NYC - National Yacht Club - Toronto ONFollowing the devastating explosion in Beirut, United City Yachts donated $2,500 to rebuilding and humanitarian efforts.
Lebanon - Canadian Red Cross
Big Dog Ranch Rescue -
United City Yachts Oil Sorb Mats Giveaway
Aimed at helping to keep oil and other chemicals out of our waterways, for our guests at 2019 boatshows, we have created a fun and useful way to carry around the little odds and ends picked up touring the show – A bag that is also an oil absorbing mat! When the show is over, throw the bag in the bilge under the engine(s) and let it absorb any oil that is floating around there!
Giving Back and Environmental Awareness

The United City Yachts Inc. Jr. Dockwise Program is aimed at reducing child drownings by installing lifejacket loaner stations at marinas and yacht clubs, thereby increasing awareness of the issue and providing free access to children's lifejackets on an honour system/borrowing basis.
All expenses including kiosks, lifejackets (and replacements as they go missing), and specific liability insurance are covered by United City Yachts Inc.
As of 2018 three installations are as follows:
- Trenton Marina
- Toronto Outer Harbour Marina
- Port Credit Yacht club
Our goal at United City Yachts is to "Promote the Yachting Lifestyle" – after over a decade of success, thanks to boaters like you, we are in a position, and feel we have a responsibility to give back to the Canadian boating community.
We have had excellent feedback on the program, and are planning to expand it with new stations every year – If you are a member of a Yacht Club or Marina in Canada and feel like your boaters would benefit from this, please contact us.

Our goal is to change these shocking statistics from the Canadian Red Cross:
- In the last 10 years for which data is available (2001-2010) more than 570 children drowned in Canada. Nearly all Canadian parents (98%) believe children must wear a lifejacket when on a boat, yet the majority of children who drown while boating are not wearing one.
- In drowning cases where the child's lifejacket use was known, more than 4 out of 5 (82%) children who drowned were not wearing one, or not wearing one properly. In nearly half of these drownings, there was not even a lifejacket on board for the child.
- Among children under 5 who drowned while boating, 100% had no lifejacket on board, compared to 80% of children 10-14, and 53% of teens 15-18.
- Among children who drowned while boating in calm water, not a single one was wearing a lifejacket. In nearly 8 in 10 of these cases (78%), a lifejacket for the child was not even present.
- Among drowned children under 19, only one third (35%) had intended to be in the water (for example, swimming or wading). A nearly equal number (33%) drowned after entering the water unintentionally, for example, by falling in from a dock.